
I’m a multidisciplinary researcher and I am developing my own research method in my doctoral thesis. Thematically, I am interested in the impact of migration of parents from former Yugoslavia on the second generation in Switzerland. Based on my own concept of 'epistemic listening' I methodologically combine elements from the fields of videography, anthropology and psychoanalysis.

In addition to my funded research, I do image, sound and video experiments while often combining text and image. The outcome is always uncertain.

My research is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


2024, Ethnograglimpses: Notes on the 10th edition of the Ethnografilm festival in Paris. A. Fersztand, G. Raikov, Visual Studies, 39(4), 622–624

2021, Jakub, 115110, Jake, Jacques, Jakob. Eine vorläufige Mitteilung über die Spurensuche der dritten Generation. In: Between Commemoration and Amnesia. Forms of Holocaust Remembrance in Swiss and Transnational Perspectives. Ed. M. Azaryahu, U. Gehring, F. Meyer, J. Picard, C. Späti. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
